Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bill O'Reilly thinks Great Barrington is ruining Christmas

Here is where Bill O'Reilly says that he thinks the town selectmen of Great Barrington are trying to secularize Christmas by deciding to turn off the town's snowflake lights at 10 PM instead of midnight, and by calling them "holiday lights" rather than "christmas lights."

Here is the Berkshire Eagle article about it.

Oy! There's a Bill O'Reilly video too somewhere. In the video the blame the "elitist secularists" who come up from New York. Apparently Bill O'Reilly thinks turning the lights off two hours earlier is going vastly reduce consumerism in Great Barrington, despite that fact that if you drive down mainstreet at 10PM, there's no one around except for a few teenagers smoking on a bench. Everything is closed by then.


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